+39 338 3684969

Contact us

Before contacting us, you should know that...

OUR puppies are born, open their eyes, begin to walk, are weaned, socialise ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY within our property, under our eyes, in our hands and followed by our Veterinary surgeon in respect of animal welfare.


Each one of our puppies is delivered with a contract of cession (ex art.1496 cc), registry, genealogical and sanitary documentation, and parental documents.

We are EXTREMELY attentive to the selection of the future owner (individual and family), their lifestyle and the environment in which one of our puppies will live.  These must be people we consider suitable to care for and live in close contact with a puppy.


We do not discriminate against anyone. The aim is only to ‘optimise’ the quality of cohabitation of the ‘human-dog’ pair (in the interest of both the family and our puppies, future dogs).